Dear Butte


Dear Butte was formed in 2018 to provide writers of all styles and economic backgrounds a solitary place to create song and prose. The workspace is a single family home located at 11 Lexington Terrace in Walkerville, MT.  Dear Butte was born out of the larger concept of Working Quiet 501(3)c, a non-profit formed specifically to offer a solitary workspace to artists.

Now Available


Vol 1 of Dear Butte’s Anthology series is now available for purchase! “Three Seasons of Winter” is a collection of writings from past residents of this program. The sale of this book goes directly back into our non profit organization for operation costs and community programming. Thanks for your support.

Three Seasons of Winter - Vol. 1



Visit our calendar of events to keep up to date on live performances and readings from our visiting writers and musicians. Keep an eye out for a listing of public workshops offered to the community of Butte by our resident artists. Community engagement is a cornerstone of Dear Butte’s mission and we deeply appreciate your support.

Current Month